1st Grade

1st Grade

Friday, January 24, 2014

Writer of the Week- Jan. 24

This week we have two new Writer's of the Week. Both Wesley and Yasalde have made great improvement in their writing and I wanted to display their hard work! Great Job!!
Wesley- Nice use of transition words!
Yasalde- Good job saying what you did at the Mountains!


  1. Dear Yasalde and Wesley,
    I am so excited to see your writing on the blog! I especially like your winter pictures. Keep on writing!
    Mrs. Kloczko

  2. Dear Wesley,
    I like your story and you have some interesting snowflakes.

  3. Dear Yasalde,
    I like your handwriting and I also like your pictures. Can you please tell me what the gray thing is? I also like your snowballs.

  4. Dear Yasalde,
    Wow! I love your winter writing.I liked how your words and pictures worked together to tell a story. Have you ever been sledding before?
    Mrs. Carey

  5. I like your writing Yasalde. Your pictures are happy. Wesley I like your snowman.

  6. from your friend Milo

  7. Yasalde, I really like your picture of you on the mountains. Are those other people your friends. Keep up the good work! From a third grader!!!
